Thursday, 21 February 2008




Michael Moore is probely one of, if not my favorite documentary makers. To-day let's focus on Michael. What he's good at and not so good at.

Below is part one of an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

Please be sure to follow up and watch part two!

What Michael Moore doe's right.

Whatever you think of him, it is my opinion that Moore's heart is always in the right place, whenever he chooses to tackle a particular subject matter. He can make you laugh, cry or even enrage you and hopefully you will become active or think about the world in a different way. His outspoken views challenges us all and love or loathe him he has something of tremdous value to contribute to our society.For his most recent movie "SICKO" he tackles the American health service. With particular focus on health insurance and how corrupt they are. As always it's a case of prophet over people.

Below is the first few minutes of the movie Sicko. Just to wet your appetite.

What doe's Michael do wrong?

This is an observation from the movie Sicko, but I think it is a theme that runs through most of his movies and his books. Moore comes over to England to take a look at our N.H.S. He seems genuinely bemused that all perscripines are the same price and then goes on to marvel about how good or even perfect the NHS is. Mr. Moore fails to address the local issues and how the system is crumbling due to many contributing factors. Due to the recent flux of foreign migrant workers the NHS has been put under tremendous stress, as none of this was planned for by the government. The irony and enigma is that it is foreign workers that is holding the system together, but workers
from the Eastern Block are putting a strain on an already overstretched system. Moore of course doesn't address any of this and has made a few sweeping statements about Northern Irish politics and Palestine, which have annoyed a number of people, including myself. What doe's this really show us though? It shows us that he is human and therefore not perfect. Can anyone really say that they are? I just wanted to address that just because you really admire someone, does not mean they are above criticism.

Closing words

I consider myself a big fan of Michael Moore. He does even address what I criticized him for in the second part of the Wolf Blitzer CNN interview. Still I look forward to ALL his releases and applaud him for his genuine concern for his fellow human being who are not as well off as himself. This type of compassion is rare and Michael should be applauded!

Web link:

Michael Moore

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