With the impending BEIJING OLYMPICS, I felt it timely to comment on Tibet. I have been interested in the situation in Tibet for many years and only missed out on visiting there, due to the bombing of the airport in Nepal in protest against the Iraq war.
Sometimes throughout all of my Blogs I prompt the reader to "click here" which will take you to another web site. Also everything that is in bold print (or highlighted) can be clicked on, to take you to another link. As I've stated before It is my intention to include as much information as possible and I encourage you ALL to be as interactive as possible on my Blog. So please post a comment if you have just stumbled across my Blog or know me personally.
Although lengthly. I felt it important to include some background information for the reader to better understand the history. If you can better understand history then you will be in a better position to understand current events and be able to put them into context.
The 13th Dali Lama
"From I911 to I950, Tibet successfully avoided undue foreign influence and behaved, in every respect, as a fully independent state. The I3th DALAI LAMA emphasized his country's independent status externally, in formal communications to foreign rulers, and internally, by issuing a proclamation reaffirming Tibet's independence and by strengthening the country's defenses. Tibet remained neutral during the Second World War, despite strong pressure from China and its allies, Britain and the U.S.A. The Tibetan government maintained independent international relations with all neighboring countries, most of whom had diplomatic representatives in Lhasa.
Picture of UN flag
The attitude of most foreign governments with whom Tibet maintained relations implied their recognition of Tibet's independent status. The British government bound itself not to recognize Chinese suzerainty or any other rights over Tibet unless China signed the draft SIMLA CONVENTION of I9I4 with Britain and Tibet, which China never did. Nepal's recognition was confirmed by the Nepalese government in I949, in documents presented to the United Nations CLICK HERE in support of that governments application for membership.
The turning point in Tibet's history came in I949, when the People's Liberation Army of the PRC first crossed into Tibet. After defeating the small Tibetan army, the Chinese government imposed the so-called "17- POINT AGREEMENT for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" on the Tibetan government in May I951. Because it was signed under duress, the agreement was void under international law. The presence of 40,000 troops in Tibet, the threat of an immediate occupation of Lhasa and the prospect of the total obliteration of the Tibetan state left Tibetans little choice.
"It should be noted that numerous countries made statements in the course of UN General Assembly debates following the invasion of Tibet that reflected their recognition of Tibet's independent status. Thus, for example, the delegate from the Philippines declared: "It is clear that on the eve of the invasion I950, Tibet was not under the rule of any foreign country." The delegate from Thailand reminded the assembly that the majority of states "refute the contention that Tibet is part of China." The US joined most other UN members in condemning the Chinese "aggression" and "invasion" of Tibet."
Taken from SAVE TIBET website.My commentary:
I have different opinions on the CURRENT SITUATION IN TIBET
Whilst initially I was disgusted at the Olympic committee agreeing to hold the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. After some deliberation I concluded the following. It is my opinion that whilst the I.O.C. are in direst violation of the OLYMPIC ETHICAL CHARTER
I still think that holding the games in China can turn out to be a good thing. How can this be? I believe that China's human rights violation will be highlighted like never before.
The suffering of China's own people will not be forgotten by me, even though this is a Blog dedicated to Free Tibet. I feel it important to comment that thousands of people are being executed each year, (please watch the video) people are being imprisoned without trial and tortured. It is worthwhile to note that Chinese people where kicked out of their homes to make way for the new Olympic stadium. These poor people where not given an option or alternative accommodation, but kicked out into the streets. If China cannot look after it's own people in a land where there is no free speech, how does the world expect it to look after indigenous Tibetans.
Since 1950 the Chinese have been responsible for the deaths of 1.2 million Tibetans. Think about that. This was systematic cultural genocide! The world watched and did nothing.
Now the world is watching and the media is managing to get some reports out of Tibet. It has been said that because of this that the Chinese will show some restraint.
This is the Chinese showing restraint?
BBC news Report
Excellent ITN report
Excellent interview with the Dali Lama, CLICK HERE
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