Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Zimbabwe Crisis!

I could no longer delay this Blog and I feel I need to express my concerns, over the dreadfull situation this country is currently undergoing. I really feel for these poor people as there situation is so very desperate. Even when the people went to vote (at great personal risk) there democratic right has not being upheld by a corrupt and tyrant government.
Robert Mugabe has got to be the most openly corrupt President in the world. He rules his country with an iron fist, his people are suffering in poverty whilst he continues to live a life of luxury.


"Zimbabwe's rate of inflation surged to 3,731.9%, driven by higher energy and food costs, and amplified by a drop in its currency, official figures show."

Four out of five Zimbabweans live below the bread line, people's life expectancy is lower than anywhere else in the world (33 years) and yet we are expected to believe the government of South Africa that there is no crisis?

Please take the time to watch this emotional video, "
Zimbabwe Call to Action"

Here is another worthwhile video entitled: "Torture and Violence in Zimbabwe"

Web links:
Crisis In Zimbabwe
Human Rights Watch

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