Monday, 9 June 2008

The Year Of Living Biblically

This book has to be by far my favorite book I have read this year thus far. A.J. has a razor sharp sense of humor that literally jumps off the pages at you. If laugh out loud humor is what you like with a look at religion that has never been done before, that could quite possibly change your life. Then this marvelous book is for you.

Without further a due. I will let the author Mr. A. J. Jacobs speak for himself.

I'm really glad that it was Mr Jacobs that wrote this book and no one else. I'm also pleased that he came from a secular background and not a fundamentalist point of view, which would have made for a completely different book. As soon as I got the opportunity I actually implemented what A.J. had gotten from the Bible. Love your neighbor. Jacobs realized that he hardly knew his neighborers and made a concerted effort to change that. I actually followed his example and now have gotten to know my new neighbor (well they have been there for over a year or maybe two) and they are really nice folks.

"I'm very concerned about fundamentalism of all kinds, be it Christian Muslim or Jewish and people who say they take the holy texts literally. It colors their thinking in every form, from homosexuality to creation. Their taking parts of the Bible literally, but not taking everything literally. There just selecting. So it's selective literism."
A. J. Jacobs

Related web links
A. J. Jacobs
A. J. Jacobs Blog
Telegraph review

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